This example shows the full potential of toolbar search.
Column option search_op defines the search method for each column.

Try the following searches:
1. 1,2,3 for column ID (IN search)
2. >10 for column Order id (Numeric search)
3. Any delivery type (Equal search)
4. Any on Delivery cost (nothing will happen)
5. ohn for column Customer name (LIKE search)
6. jQuery for column Book name (custom search)
7. 123 for column Book name (custom search - will find books by id)
8. <=100 for column Price (auto search assumed numeric search)
Этот пример показывает весь потенциал автоматического поиска.
Опция search_op определеяет метод поиска для каждой колонки.

Попробуйте поискать:
1. 1,2,3 в колонке ID (id 1, 2 и 3)
2. >10 в колонке Order id (order_id больше 10)
3. Любой тип доставки
4. Любое значение в Delivery cost (ничего не произойдет - ignore)
5. ohn в колонке Customer name (LIKE '%ohn%')
6. jQuery в колонке Book name (пользовательский поиск - строки ищет LIKE'ом)
7. 123 в колонке Book name (пользовательский поиск - числа ищет по ID в другой колонке)
8. <=100 в колонке Price (цена меньше или равна 100)



class jqOutSearch extends jqGrid
    protected function init()
        $delivery_types = $this->getDeliveryTypes();

        $this->table = 'tbl_order_item';

        $this->query = "
			SELECT {fields}
			FROM tbl_order_item i
				JOIN tbl_books b ON (
				JOIN tbl_order o ON (
				JOIN tbl_customer c ON (
			WHERE {where}

        #Set columns
        $this->cols = array(

            'id' => array('label' => 'ID',
                'db' => '',
                'width' => 10,
                'align' => 'center',
                'formatter' => 'integer',
                'search_op' => 'in', //IN (1,2,3)

            'order_id' => array('label' => 'Order id',
                'db' => 'i.order_id',
                'width' => 15,
                'align' => 'center',
                'formatter' => 'integer',
                'search_op' => 'numeric', //numeric ops

            'delivery_type' => array('label' => 'Delivery',
                'db' => 'o.delivery_type',
                'width' => 20,

                'replace' => $delivery_types,

                'stype' => 'select',
                'searchoptions' => array(
                    'value' => new jqGrid_Data_Value($delivery_types, 'All'),

                'search_op' => 'equal', //exact match

            'delivery_cost' => array('label' => 'Deliv. cost',
                'db' => 'o.delivery_cost',
                'width' => 15,
                'align' => 'center',
                'search_op' => 'ignore', //searching is totally ignored

            'customer_name' => array('label' => 'Customer name',
                'db' => "CONCAT(c.first_name, ' ', c.last_name)",
                'width' => 20,
                'search_op' => 'like', //LIKE '%value%'

            'name' => array('label' => 'Book name',
                'db' => '',
                'width' => 30,
                'search_op' => 'book', //custom search -> searchOpBooks

            'price' => array('label' => 'Price',
                'db' => 'i.price',
                'width' => 15,
                'align' => 'center',
                'formatter' => 'integer',
                'search_op' => 'auto', //auto recognize search type (default)

        $this->render_filter_toolbar = true;

    #Custom search operation
    protected function searchOpBook($c, $val)
        #If numeric input -> search by book id
            return "'$val'";
        #Non-numeric? Perform common 'LIKE' search by book name
            return parent::searchOpLike($c, $val);

    protected function getDeliveryTypes()
        $result = $this->DB->query("SELECT * FROM lst_delivery_types");

        $rows = array();
        while($r = $this->DB->fetch($result))
            $rows[$r['id']] = $r['name'];

        return $rows;

    protected function renderPostData()
        $data = array();

        foreach(array_intersect_key($this->input, $this->cols) as $k => $v)
            $data[$k] = $v;

        return $data;

    protected function renderColumn($c)
            $c['searchoptions']['defaultValue'] = $this->input($c['name']);

        return $c;
    <?= $rendered_grid ?>