Please upload any image below 2MB.
Form data and file upload submit in a signle request.
This approach requires 'jQuery ajaxForm' plugin.
Загрузите изображение размером до 2MB.
Все данные отправляются на сервер в одном запросе.
Для отправки используется jQuery Ajax Form плагин.



class jqOperUpload extends jqGrid
    protected function init()
        $this->file_ext = array('jpg' => 'jpg', 'gif' => 'gif', 'png' => 'png');
        $this->img_path = $this->Loader->get('grid_path') . $this->grid_id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

        $this->table = 'tbl_files';

        $this->cols_default = array('align' => 'center');

        #Set columns
        $this->cols = array(

            'id' => array('label' => 'ID',
                'width' => 10,
                'formatter' => 'integer',

            'image' => array('label' => 'Image',
                'width' => 14,
                'manual' => true, //manually create images in PHP
                //you can use JS formatter instead
                'encode' => false,
                'sortable' => false,

            'filename' => array('label' => 'Filename',
                'width' => 25,
                'align' => 'center',

            'file_ext' => array('label' => 'Extension',
                'db' => 'SUBSTRING(filename FROM -3 FOR 3)', //last 3 chars
                'width' => 10,
                'stype' => 'select',
                'searchoptions' => array(
                    //object preserves array order in Chrome and Opera
                    //if u dont need it - use plain array
                    'value' => new jqGrid_Data_Value($this->file_ext, 'All')

            'size' => array('label' => 'Size',
                'db' => 'size / 1024',
                'width' => 15,
                'formatter' => 'numeric',
                'formatoptions' => array('suffix' => 'Kb'),

            #Hidden column for uploading
            'upload' => array('label' => 'Upload image',
                'manual' => true,
                'hidden' => true,
                'editable' => true,
                'edittype' => 'file',
                'editrules' => array('edithidden' => true),
                'formoptions' => array('elmsuffix' => '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . implode(', ', $this->file_ext)),

            'comment' => array('label' => 'Comment',
                'width' => 50,
                'align' => 'left',
                'editable' => true,
                'edittype' => 'textarea',
                'editoptions' => array('style' => 'height: 120px; width: 260px;'),

            'version' => array('unset' => true),

        $nav_prm = array('width' => '420');

        $this->nav = array('add' => true, 'edit' => true, 'addtext' => 'Add', 'edittext' => 'Edit', 'prmAdd' => $nav_prm, 'prmEdit' => $nav_prm);

    protected function parseRow($r)
        $r['image'] = "<img src='grids/{$this->grid_id}/{$r['id']}.{$r['file_ext']}?v={$r['version']}'>";

        return $r;

    #Init file processing
    protected function operData($r)
            require_once 'misc/upload.class.php';

            $this->upload = new upload($_FILES['upload']);

                throw new jqGrid_Exception('Upload failed');

            if(!in_array($this->upload->file_src_name_ext, $this->file_ext))
                throw new jqGrid_Exception('Bad file type');

            $r['filename'] = $this->upload->file_src_name;
            $r['size'] = $this->upload->file_src_size;

        return $r;

    protected function opEdit($id, $upd)
        $upd['version'] = new jqGrid_Data_Raw('version + 1');

        return parent::opEdit($id, $upd);

    protected function operAfterAddEdit($id)
            ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');

            $this->upload->file_new_name_body = $id;
            $this->upload->file_auto_rename = false;
            $this->upload->file_overwrite = true;
            $this->upload->image_resize = true;
            $this->upload->image_x = 75;
            $this->upload->image_y = 75;
            $this->upload->image_ratio_crop = true;

    var opts =
        'caption':'File Uploading',
        'editurl':null, //this is required for dataProxy effect
        'dataProxy':$.jgrid.ext.ajaxFormProxy //our charming dataProxy ^__^

    <?= $rendered_grid ?>
